Aerosol Absorption
We study how aerosols absorb light using state-of-the-art instrumentation.
The cornerstone of our aerosol absorption measurements and experiments is our home-built photoacoustic spectrometers.
Photoacoustic Spectrometers
We have designed and built three unique photoacoustic spectrometers (PASs) for measuring aerosol absorption.
These PASs operate free from artifacts associated with filter-based instruments.
Multiple wavelengths allows us to measure the shape of absorption spectra.
Black and Brown Carbon
Black carbon (aka "soot") and brown carbon (absorbing organics) have different absorption spectra.
The difference between black carbon and brown carbon absorption is greatest in the UV/blue region.
We use absorption measurements from the PASs to infer the contributions from black and brown carbon.
Offline vs. Online Sampling
We've studied how absorption measured by offline filter-extraction compares to online PAS measurements.
We are also actively developing improved correction strategies for commerically-available filter-based absorption instruments.